Appliance Project for Income Assistance Clientele

On September 19, 2022, an opportunity developed to address hardships that income assistance clients are facing due to inflation and as disruptions related to the pandemic continue. Indigenous Services Canada has provided for this prospect through additional one-time funding. Under approved project types, HGS committed to supplying upgrades on appliances for heads of households in Two Phases.

The project includes all active clients as of August 31, 2022, and covers the period of September 1, 2022 ,through to March 31, 2023.

We intend to work collaboratively with the First Nation Housing Authorities to provide appliance up-grades for households where they have not had upgrades to the core appliances of either a stove, fridge, washer, or dryer. Where this situation exists, this project will provide upgrades for a maximum of two appliances as chosen by the homeowner and approved by the housing department for the STA Nation involved.

Many homes have appliances that are aged and in need of replacement. This activity is seen as a positive action that will increase use of power efficiencies, positive environmental footprints, less water use and recycling (most of the community are on cistern and septic tank systems) minimizing the impact of transportation related to delivery of these services. Just as importantly it will upgrade the utility and household management of the families.

Observations Regarding This Priority Activity

  1. Major home appliances account for approximately one third of residential electricity consumption, a principal source of greenhouse gases.
  2. Appliance purchases give consumers a direct opportunity to affect greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Energy-Efficient Appliances Help Prevent Greenhouse Emissions.
    1. Greenhouse gases are the leading causes of global warming and climate change. These gases are responsible for absorbing the infrared radiation that would lead to holding and trapping the heat in the atmosphere.
    2. By swapping out old appliances for more energy-efficient new ones, you will not only save money on your utility bills but also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Major Effects of this Strategy

  1. Personal Energy Saving
    1. All smart eco-friendly major appliances use less energy than their not-so-smart ancestors; that is one cornerstone of eco-friendliness.
    2. Newer technology in these machines will help slow your electric meter to a crawl. Also, simply by virtue of updating parts like door seals, fans, and compressors, the new machine will work smarter, not harder.
  2. Water Savings
    1. Saving water is the other cornerstone when it comes to efficient clothes washers. Manufacturers help reduce water consumption by introducing smarter technology that produces the same results with less water usage.
      1. As one example, it is estimated that an Energy Star clothes washer can save you 3,000 gallons of water per year and still produce clothes that are as clean and even cleaner than before.
  3. Reduces Carbon Footprint
    1. The impact on the environment is reduced by purchasing major appliances that are efficient with water and energy.
    2. It is estimated that over a five-year period, you can reduce your carbon footprint by 3,600 pounds by purchasing an Energy Star-rated refrigerator.
      1. When you recycle your fridge, too, you keep refrigerant and insulating foam out of landfills.
  4. Better Results
    1. In addition to those savings, you will get better results from your major appliance by upgrading it.
      1. For example, newer clothes washers can spin your wet clothing faster and harder, resulting in less water for your dryer to dry your clothing.

In cases, where the Band absorbs most of these costs (utilities, power, trucking), the benefit of realizing these savings and having a significant number of homes up-graded provides for the possibility of greater coverage for appliance up-grades for homes where the occupants are not on financial assistance. Additionally, some homes where income assistance clients live but are not the homeowner will also be provided with these up-grades.

Kevin Coueslan, Director, Morley Income Assistance Program